Meeting Called to Order at 2:05pm
Today’s meeting was located at Christ the Lord Lutheran Church in Lawrenceville, GA.
- Brad Arnold
- Earl Baugh (AHCS President)*
- Mike Blake
- Ben Bolgla
- Mitch Bolgla
- Ben Bradley
- Flash Corliss
- Ed Fair
- Joe Gilmore
- Nolan Gilmore
- Jon Guidry (AHCS Vice-President)
- Mark Little (AHCS Secretary)
- Sam Lysinger
- James Mahoney
- Eva Mitchell
- Rob Mitchell
- Casey Noble
- John Pace
- Nathan Reid (visitor)
- Andrew Taylor
- David Tripp
- Jose Vazquez (Lisardo)
- Holly Vives
- Mauricio Vives
*Meeting moderator
Old Business:
Updates/discussion for Vintage Computer Festival Southeast 7.0 plans from Earl Baugh:
- Earl will check with Alan Hightower, who is out of commission following a skiing accident, about finalizing the concession/consignment area and assignments; he stressed that volunteers are still needed to man the concession/consignment area.
- Douglas McIlroy, one of the original developers of UNIX at AT&T Labs in 1969, is set as the sole speaker for the event (Saturday 4/27/19 11am-12noon).
- The T-shirt design (Many thanks go to Noland Gilmore for the design!) has been finalized and the colors will be green for the helpers/exhibitors and purple for the attendees.
- Earl has five boxes of items for the consignment area, most of them containing books.
- Earl related that two vendors will be present: Commodore 64 Cartridge Creations, and Open Enigma/Open DSKY (Apollo) Kits. He also stated that the keyboard club, which normally utilizes 10 tables, will not be exhibiting at this year’s show.
- After the discussions, both at the March meeting and on line after the meeting, from members about the impact of the higher admission prices on the show, Earl reached out to Lonnie Mimms to express the club’s concerns. Today, Earl related Lonnie’s concerns/goals for the show and for the Computer Museum of America. Discussion was then held about the apparently diverging goals of the AHCS and the CMA. It was generally agreed (though no vote was taken) that it’s too late to cancel or postpone this year’s show to secure a different venue. Cost options and potential challenges involved in securing a different venue for the 2020 show were also discussed. Finally, Earl stressed to all of the members that the club should try to make the 2019 show as enjoyable and productive as possible for both exhibitors and attendees, despite the higher admission prices, the lower expected turnout, and the friction resulting from the diverging goals between the AHCS and the CMA.
Upcoming shows:
- No upcoming shows were discussed.
New Business:
- There was no new business discussed.
- There was no presentation scheduled for this month.
- There were no announcements presented at this month’s meetings.
Member Projects and Show and Tell Photos:
Photographs by Mauricio Vives and Mark Little.

Meeting adjourned at 3:10pm