The Atlanta Historical Computing Society held its annual holiday party on Saturday Dec 20, 2014. If you weren’t there you missed out. Really. It was a blast.
Ataris, Commodores, Mattel Odyssey 2, MSXs, Amiga 600, “Pongs”, Apple II, PC, Coleco, Vectrex, Mattel Handheld Football, Nintendo Entertainment System, PDP-8, and I’m sure I’m missing a couple!
We had a good cross section of game machines and computers playing games. Many of us hadn’t much time with the MSXs before this, so that was quite fun. And a Mattel Odyssey 2, you don’t see many of those anymore.
I think next time I’ll try to get everyone to load up Pacman or something so we can have all the machines running the same game at the same time. Just have to make sure to have an Atari 2600 so all the other machines can feel good about themselves. 🙂
Barbecue, pizza, subs, cake (see the accompanying photo) cookies and snacks galore!
Five hours was over just as we were getting rolling, and I think the kids could have gone on for five more hours.
Thanks to everyone who came and had some fun!
(If you have photos, please send them to Kevin or me so we can get them posted.)
Next meeting 12PM Saturday January 17th 2015.
Brad Arnold
It’s that time of year again! Time for the annual AHCS holiday party!
This is one of the most anticipated meetings of the year. The focus is on fun, so feel free to bring any retro games or holiday-related programs to share from yesteryears. There are usually several classic video games available to play and kids always have a great time. Families are always welcome!
The meeting will be on December 20 from 12-5 PM. We generally do a potluck luncheon, so please bring a dish or snack to share if you can.
Christ the Lord Lutheran Church
1001 Duluth Highway (State Route 120)
Lawrenceville GA 30043
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
November 1st and 2nd, the AHCS will be at the Stone Mountain Hamfest at the Gwinnett fair grounds.
Admission is $8
Sat 8am to 4pm
Sun 8am to 2pm
For more information, check out their site
Sam and Kyle will be selling vacuum tubes and old electronic equipment (again) and have donated half a table for the AHCS to display its QR code and some cool retro computers (someone may bring the club stickers and t-shirts to sell). We do this to hear stories from folks about their old equipment they used to have and delight them that someone is crazy enough to fix, maintain and use this stuff. Last year, we were well received. Flash bought an HP Apollo when he wasn’t slinging Tandy portable computers, to help prepare folks for the zombie apocalypse (That Flash, always thinking of others). Kyle spent Sam’s money on a plastic teak wood stain bucket that had a variac in it (he said it was a good deal, it’s getting an ammeter and volt meter installed in it at Acorn Amps as we speak). Brad looked at all of us like we were crazy with that classic old school angst ridden IT tech look and all the visitors at our tables nodded knowingly. We were not what the flea market or the crowd was expecting and they welcomed us back with an invoice and an address to mail the check.
This year will be no different, other than Sam knowing a little more about vacuum tubes and Kyle being over 21 (he really surprised the crowd with his radio knowledge).
So come one, come all! To the finest collection of weird junk that Stone Mountain has to offer.
We look forward to seeing you there.