600 people reached the top of Mt. Everest in 2012. This blog got about 3,300 views in 2012. If every person who reached the top of Mt. Everest viewed this blog, it would have taken 6 years to get that many views.Click here to see the complete report.
We were there. Were you?
At our August 18th (2pm) meeting, Brian Stuart will present:
Computing Without Bits!
Before the PDP-1, before the UNIVAC, before the ENIAC, there were differential analyzers. These analog computers solve differential equations without bits or bytes. This time, we will look at how electronic analog computers work and how they are used. Then we will see a real analog computer in action, integrated with a modern digital computer.
Brian will also be bringing the 6809 single board computer, which he just designed and built!
Next, David Greelish will give us a short slide show of highlights from the KansasFest event he just attended.
It’s all happening at the Atlanta Historical Computer Society meeting on Saturday, August 18th at 2pm, here:
Directions to Meeting @ CTL – (Use the door at the far left of the front of the church.)
With the analog computer demo, 6809 SBC, KansasFest slideshow and all of you fine folks, this should be another great event!
It’s our very first Game Day — A hands-on fun fest, where we get to play with all the toys! Bring your favorite vintage computer-based games for everyone to have fun with. Own some aliens! All are welcome — vintage personal computers, hand helds, video consoles, there’s even a rumor of a mechanical computer 🙂
The first pgm to name the ten classic games represented in the pic gets extra hp’s!
We’ll have a couple of video projectors there to accent the fun but it’s a good idea to bring your own monitor, too. It’s all happening at the Atlanta Historical Computer Society meeting on Saturday, July 21st at 2pm, here:
(Use the door at the far left of the front of the church.)
Gonna be a blast! Just watch out for flying gibs 🙂
Raj Wurttemberg will be demonstrating the use of the Apple Disk Transfer program to create Apple II system disks for Apple DOS 3.3 and Apple Pro DOS. Raj will be using a PC (Windows or Linux) to act as a disk server for an Apple II or //gs. ADTPro uses a serial connection between the PC and the Apple II to bootstrap the Apple and transfer the ADTPro program from the PC to the Apple computer. The only special equipment needed is a SuperSerial II card in the Apple II computer.
I’m pleased to announce that, in addition of Raj’s main presentation (see above), we will be having two short presentations of kit computers from Alan Hightower and Jim Kempthorne. Alan is bringing an N8VEM Zeta SBC and Jim is bringing a Briel 8800micro. It has been proposed that we do something with a computer kit as a workshop or club project. In any case, it’s fun to find out about these products and talk about them.
The two machines are seen on right.
So c’mon all you game-kiddies and arm chair computer historians! Git yer hands dirty! Let’s build hardware! ‘Nuff o’ this pussy-footin’ around with appliances. Are we not MEN? I love the smell of solder in the morning!
Don’t forget that it’s this Saturday, June 9th, at 2pm here: http://christthelordlutheran.org/directions
(Use the door at the far left of the front of the church.)