The next meeting of The Atlanta Historical Computing Society will be held on Saturday, March 14, 2020. We will meet at the usual time (1pm-5pm) and meeting place (Christ the Lord Lutheran Church in Lawrenceville, GA). All current and prospective Atlanta Historical Computing Society members are encouraged to attend.
The main topic of this month’s meeting will be to finalize the venue for this year’s Vintage Computer Festival SouthEast 8.0.
In addition, it is important that our club get back into having formalized presentations by its members during each monthly meeting. The presentation can be about any topic that is vintage computer-related; perhaps a history of one particular brand or type of computer (macro, mini, or micro); or perhaps a review of a certain type of vintage software (early productivity software, your favorite version of BASIC, etc.); or even maybe an in-depth look at a groundbreaking chip (6502, Z80, 68000, etc.). It can be about just about anything, as long as it relates to the club’s focus, historical computing. Obviously, visual aids such as examples of the item(s) being discussed, as well as any supplemental documents, would enhance the presentation and make it more engaging. Audio/visual equipment may also be available for those wanting to provide a projected Powerpoint presentation; just ask any club officer. The length of the presentation should run between 10 and 20 minutes. If you have a topic that would ideal for a presentation at one of the meetings, please contact Earl Baugh (President), Jon Guidry (Vice President), or Mark Little (Secretary), or reply to the posting at the AHCS page to schedule it for either this or a future meeting. Thanks.
See you March 14!
The next meeting of The Atlanta Historical Computing Society will be held this Saturday, January 11, 2020. We will meet at the usual time (1pm-5pm) and meeting place (Christ the Lord Lutheran Church in Lawrenceville, GA). All current and prospective Atlanta Historical Computing Society members are encouraged to attend.
The main topic of this month’s meeting will be to discuss and finalize the venue for this year’s Vintage Computer Festival SouthEast 8.0. More info about the type of venues being explored and what members can do individually to help can be found HERE.
See you this Saturday!
The next meeting of The Atlanta Historical Computing Society will be held this Saturday, December 14, 2019.
We will meet at the usual time (1pm-5pm) and meeting place (Christ the Lord Lutheran Church in Lawrenceville, GA). All current and prospective Atlanta Historical Computing Society members are encouraged to attend.
This month we will celebrate the holiday season with our Annual Potluck/Gaming Gathering. Everyone is welcome to bring their vintage game systems and/or gaming computer systems for marathon gaming. Also, anyone with a favorite holiday side dish or dessert is encouraged to bring that along to share with everyone in the club. It will be a time of merriment for all…pew-pew-pew!
See you this Saturday!
The next meeting of The Atlanta Historical Computing Society will be held this Saturday, November 9, 2019. We will meet at the usual time (1pm-5pm) and meeting place (Christ the Lord Lutheran Church in Lawrenceville, GA). All current and prospective Atlanta Historical Computing Society members are encouraged to attend.
At this month’s meeting, the club will hold elections for officers for the coming year. Any interested members who are willing and able to serve are asked to let the club President, Earl Baugh, know.
The other main topic of this month’s meeting will be discussing venue options for next year’s Vintage Computer Festival SouthEast 8.0 (Jim Miller Park is not available any weekends in 2020). Members are encouraged to assist in finding potential venues, making contacts, and doing the initial vetting of suitable places. More info about the type of venue needed and what members can do individually to help can be found HERE.
See you this Saturday!
The next meeting of The Atlanta Historical Computing Society will be held this Saturday, July 13, 2019. We will meet at the usual time (1pm-5pm) and meeting place (Christ the Lord Lutheran Church in Lawrenceville, GA). All current and prospective Atlanta Historical Computing Society members are encouraged to attend.
Thank you.
The June meeting of The Atlanta Historical Computing Society will be held this Saturday, June 8, 2019. We will meet at the usual time (1pm-5pm) and meeting place (Christ the Lord Lutheran Church in Lawrenceville, GA). All current and prospective Atlanta Historical Computing Society members are encouraged to attend.
Thank you.
The May meeting of The Atlanta Historical Computing Society will be held this Saturday, May 11, 2019. We will meet at the usual time (1pm-5pm) and meeting place (Christ the Lord Lutheran Church in Lawrenceville, GA). All current and prospective Atlanta Historical Computing Society members are encouraged to attend this first meeting after the big Vintage Computer Festival SouthEast 7.0 show on April 27-28.
Thank you.
Photos courtesy of Jon Guidry and Mark Little
The seventh iteration of the Vintage Computer Festival Southeast, commonly known as VCFSE 7.0, will be here on April 27-28, 2019. All members of The Atlanta Historical Computing Society are encouraged to spread the word far and wide, on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp,, everywhere. Tell your friends, neighbors, family, schools, fellow students, co-workers, everyone. The graphic above, from the Computer Museum of America’s Facebook page, is shareable across many platforms, so please feel free to use it to get the word out; just include the following URL in your promotions:
Also, please don’t forget that we still need volunteers to cover the concessions and consignments areas.
We want this festival to be the best VCFSE ever!
Because the Atlanta Historical Computing Society will not have access to the usual venue on the usual second-Saturday-of-the-month meeting day, the April meeting has been moved ahead one week to Saturday, April 6, 2019. The time (1pm-5pm) and meeting place (Christ the Lord Lutheran Church in Lawrenceville, GA) of the April meeting will otherwise remain the same. This earlier date will also allow the club to address any last minute VCFSE 7.0 concerns or issues in a timely fashion. Please make a note of the earlier date.
All current and prospective Atlanta Historical Computing Society members are encouraged to attend this final meeting before the big Vintage Computer Festival SouthEast 7.0 show on April 27-28.
Thank you.